Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Practical Packet Analysis Is Good Fun [Book Review]

If you've wanted to take a peek at what network traffic really looks like, but put it off because it sounded all too complicated, a new book may be just what you need to get started. Practical Packet Analysis is an excellent network analysis introduction.

When Chris Sanders' Practical Packet Analysis (with the subtitle Using Wireshark to Solve Real-World Network Problems) was originally published in mid-2007, to generally very favorable reviews and quite respectable sales for a network book, the memory of Wireshark's predecessor Ethereal's eviction from the OpenBSD package system for too many unfixed security bugs in a short time was fresh enough that most of us in the OpenBSD contingent generally shrugged and moved on. The criticism of Ethereal centered on the fact that there was next to no separation between the packet capture part of the system (which needs to run with elevated privilege) and the analysis-related parts (that do not in fact need to). At the time I was also rather busy working on a book of my own (full disclosure: also a No Starch title), so I mentally filed Wireshark under 'things to get back to', possibly to look into reviving the OpenBSD port.

Nevertheless I was quite pleasantly surprised when No Starch Press contacted me a little while back and asked if I would like to have a review copy of Practical Packet Analysis, second edition. The book is a pleasant read and good fun, and in fact the program compiles from source fine on OpenBSD, but more about that later.

After a brief introduction that contains summaries of the numbered chapters and practical information such as where to get the sample packet capture files, Practical Packet Analysis leads in with a chapter called Packet Analysis and Network Basics, which introduces the reader through an introduction to network protocols in general and how packet sniffers fit in the general picture.

The chapter then goes on to present the classical ISO seven layer model and makes a credible attempt at mapping those to the slightly fewer layers of the TCP/IP stack before going through a discussion of common variants of networking hardware and touches briefly on classes of network traffic (multicast, broadcast and unicast).

The second chapter, Tapping into the Wire focuses mainly on how and where to position your network tap, introduces a couple of different hardware devices for the purpose and even touches on ARP spoofing as a tap technique before giving a first glimpse of how to display and interpret captured traffic using the Windows utility Cain & Abel, and ends with a summary that includes a flowchart to help decide on the most useful tapping technique for the task at hand.

The third chapter, Introduction to Wireshark, introduces the book's main tool, with installation instructions for the more common operating systems and an initial walkthrough of the graphical user interface. While the install instructions are not correct in all details (when installing from source, you do not actually need elevated privileges until you get to the concluding make install step), they should be sufficient to get most readers started with minimal fuss.

Finishing up the chapter with a section that moves quickly to Your First Packet Capture is a nice touch that emphasizes the practical approach that's typical of this book.

Chapter 4, Working with Captured Packets, walks the user through some highlights of the filtering, analysis and presentation features that makes working with the likes of Wireshark fun. Much of this functionality would be available or at least fairly familiar to a seasoned tcpdump user, but this walkthrough does illustrate that sometimes a graphical interface can be fun too.

The chapter also leads off with fairly weakly worded advice that packet capture and analysis are likely to be separate activities. Considering that Chapter 3 introduced Wireshark's ability to choose interfaces by point and click in a dialog box (indicating that the program runs with elevated privileges), I for one would have found a stronger admonition very helpful.

An inexperienced reader will likely want to view the packet capture of her own network traffic animated and in full color, so at this point or earlier it would have been useful to include a note that on Unixish operating systems, either of these three commands

$ sudo tshark -w - | wireshark -k -i -
$ sudo dumpcap -w - | wireshark -k -i -
$ sudo tcpdump -e -s 65535 -i <interfacename> -w - | wireshark -k -i -

will at least buy token security in that only the packet capture runs with elevated privileges, the analysis tools run as your regular user (and yes, <interfacename> is where the actual interface name goes).

Fortunately, for the rest of the book, the activities are firmly centered around the packet capture files collected by the author himself. Chapters 5 through 11 present a variety of specific traffic scenarios that showcase the analysis and presentation features (including various graphing options) that make Wireshark a useful tool.

There are several memorable moments to be found here, including a packet capture that demonstrates how a successful compromise of a Microsoft Windows system (getting a privileged command shell) could look like at the network level. There is a wide variety of examples, and most of them are clearly designed to nudge the reader into exploring further. A good selection of protocols and protocol features are explained with a learning by doing approach, but there is enough that's only hinted at to let an interested reader look up the Further Reading appendix to dive into the rest.

All in all Practical Packet Analysis, second edition stands out as a book that's a very useful learning resource, and one that makes the learning process a lot of fun. Seasoned network professionals will most likely not find much new material here, but the book is a good read for anyone with a networking interest and I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy the hours you spend leafing through it before you hand it over to your junior network admin or your students.

Title: Practical Packet Analysis, 2nd Edition - Using Wireshark to Solve Real-World Network Problems
Author: Chris Sanders
Publisher: No Starch Press, San Francisco
Published: July 2011
Pages: 280
ISBN: 978-1-59327-266-1
Price: USD 49.95 for print + ebook, USD 39.95 for ebook (PDF, Mobi, and ePub formats)

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